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Tutorial on Hero Wars
SirZeelDate: Sunday, 17/Apr/2011, 2.21.08 PM | Message # 1
Ex Gamer's Edge Shaman & GE Founder (Forum)
Group: Gamer's Edge Bot Admins
Messages: 18
Awards: 4
Reputation: 10
Status: Offline
Chapter 1: bases of the game

Hero Wars [HW] is a teamwork game. The point of HW is to destroy the enemy base. You have a team of 3 heroes, with them you have to kill the creatures and opponents heroes to earn money, improve yourself and win. There are two sides: Light Force and Scourge Force. Each side has differents heroes. Occasionally there will be duels between one of your team and one of enemy team. Duels are random, you can't choose who will duel. The heroes can reach level 30. The game will go through 5 levels, each of which will upgrade the situation.

Level 1: you start with level 1.
Level 1.5: it comes after 15 mins. It gives +50 gold hero kill and allows you to upgrade Fire Towers to Advanded Fire Towers.
Level 2: it comes after 18 mins. It allows you to get Demolisher Wave, Master Peon, Level 2 Archers, Advanced Frost Towers, Advanced Range Towers, Destroyer towers +50 gold hero kill.
Level 3: it comes after 21 mins. It allows you to get Bomb Squad, Windago Brat, Level 3 Archers, Superior Archers, Superior Warrior instead of Golem, Sniper Towers, Splash Towers and +50 gold hero kill.
Level 4: it comes after 30 mins. It allows you to get Hydra Spawn and Wolf Spawn. +50 gold hero kill.

The one who choose modes is random [well, not really, it is based on how fast your connection is].

There are three modes to choose: Hero Selection, Duels and Troop Upgrade.

Hero Selection
-ar [All Random mode]: you have a random hero to play among those of your deployment [31 heroes].
-as [Allowed Selection mode]: you can choose your hero among those of your deployment [31 heroes].
-mm [Mirror Mode]: you have a random hero to play selected among both deployments [Light AND Scourge, 62 heroes]. The enemy team will have same heroes you randomed.

-od [Duels On Mode]: duels are allowed for all the duration of the game.
-nd [No Duels Mode]: there are no duels.
-pd [Pre-Level 4 Duels Mode]: duels are allowed until level 4 comes.

Troop Upgrade
-ut [Upgradable Mode]: you can upgrade your troops.
-nu [No Upgrades]: you can't upgrade your troops.
-au [Auto Upgrade]: troops will auto upgrade. You can't upgrade troops.

Now I am going to explain heroes.
PS: normal range is 550, normal speed is 300, max speed is 400. WindWalkers and Druid of the Talon have about 500 speed.

Light Heroes
Ancient Treant: ranged str based, he has Entangle Roots, Thunder Clap, Thorns Aura and Tranquility. Good vs Melee.
Dryad Queen: ranged agi based, she has Slow Bane, Critical Strike, Entangle Roots and Tranquility.
Furbolg Champion: melee str based, he has Bash, Roar, Vampiric Aura and Thunder Clap.
Mercenary Ice Troll: melee [ranged with Metamorphosis] agi based, he has Frost Nova, Vampiric Aura, Mana Burn and Metamorphosis. Good vs waves of creeps.
Wendigo King: melee str based, he has Thorns Aura, Endurance Aura, Warstomp and Bloodlust. Good vs Melee.
Gnoll Chief: melee str based, he has Warstomp, Avatar, Bash and Bloodlust. Extremely Good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages.
Goblin Shredder: melee str based, he has Entangle Roots, Thorns Aura, Critial Strike and Avatar. Extremely Good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages. The best hero vs melee.
Pandaren King: str melee based, he has Evasion, Warstomp, Critical Strike and Roar. Very slow hero.
Gryphon Rider: melee int based, he has Storm Bolt, Evasion, Reincarnation, Gryphon Stealth and Lightning Shield. A bit good vs waves of troops [with shield on].
Gyrocopter Operator: agi melee based, he has Storm Bolt, Rain of Fire, Endurance Aura, Avatar and Truesight. Extremely Good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages, good vs WindWalkers.
Wolf Master: ranged [melee in Wolf Form] int based, he has Mana Burn, Feral Spirit, Wolf Form and Cyclone. Extremely Good in the beginning because of Wolf Form [+100 agi].
Elite Archer: ranged int based, she has Frost Nova, Cold Arrows, Trueshot Aura and Reincarnation. High damage.
Archangel: ranged int based, she has Chain Jolt, Entangle Roots, Frost Nova and Evasione. Good in the beginning, extremely weak later game.
Demon Slayer: melee agi based, he has Mana Burn, Storm Bolt, Critical Strike and War Drums.
Elite Huntress: ranged agi based, she has Unholy Aura, WindWalk, Trueshot Aura and Evasion. Extremely fast hero, high damage.
Warden: melee agi based, she has Shockwave, Evasion, Avatar and Command Aura. Extremely good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages.
Exiled Seer: ranged int based, he has Entangle Roots, Immolation, Cold Arrows and Abolish Hex. Extremely good vs all heroes, weak vs heroes with Avatar.
Master Priest: short ranged [normal range with Spirit Metamorphosis] int based, he has Holy Light, Spirit Metamorphosis, Truesight and Anti-Magic Shell. Best support hero in Light Force, good vs WindWalkers.
Wizard: ranged int based, he has Frost Armor, Evasion, Incarnation of Self and Rejuvination. Good support hero. Incarnation of Self is int hero based.
Priestess of the Moon: ranged agi based, she has Trueshot Aura, Death and Decay, Shockwave and Slow Bane. High damage. Good vs buildings.
Druid of the Talon: ranged int based, he has Divine Owl, Stalker, Sleep and Raven Evolution. Fantastic hero, Stalker has infinite range. In Raven Evolution form he has 500 speed and 700 range.
Elite Rifleman: ranged agi based, he has Chain Jolt, Thunder Clap, Avatar and Curse. Extremely Good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages.
Cleric Champion: melee agi based, he has Holy Light, Storm Bolt, Mirror Image and Divine Field. Good support hero, good vs waves of creeps.
Dumpster Keeper: melee str based, he has Storm Bolt, Mana Burn, Bash and Critical Strike. Good vs melee.
Exiled Footman: melee agi based, he has Storm Bolt, Shockwave, Endurance Aura and Earthquake. Good vs waves of creeps.
Phoenix Guard: melee agi based, he has Shockwave, Endurance Aura, Evasion and Reincarnation.
Marine: ranged agi based, he has Firebolt, Critical Strike, Searing Arrows and Azuring Cripple.
Exiled Hobbit: melee agi based, he has Evasion, Thunder Clap, WindWalk and Critical Strike. High speed.
Silver Knight: melee str based, he has Endurance Aura, Devotion Aura, Inner Fire, Warstomp and Critical Strike.
Eldear Cleric Lord: melee str based, he has Holy Light, Storm Bolt, Death and Decay and Devotion Aura. Good support hero.
Dwarven Lord: melee str based, he has Storm Bolt, Thunder Clap, Endurance Aura and Avatar. Extremely Good vs Dark Seer, good vs mages.

Scourge Heroes
Bladestorm Chief: melee agi based, he has Firebolt, Mirror Image, Death Coil and Bladestorm. Good vs creeps.
Demon Master: melee agi based, he has Storm Bolt, Mana Burn, Critical Strike and Demonic Aura.
Centaur Champion: melee str based, he has Bash, Shockwave, Reincarnation and Critical Strike.
Wind Rider: ranged int based, he has Firebolt, Immolation, Reincarnation, Curse and Quantum Wings.
Demonic Warlord: melee str based, he has Storm Bolt, Chain Jolt, Reincarnation and Endurance Aura.
Space Fel Orc: ranged agi based, he has Firebolt, Shockwave, Critical Strike and Reincarnation.
Blademaster: melee str based, he has Bash, Vampiric Aura, Warstomp and Death Coil.
Ogre King: melee str based, he has Warstomp, Unholy Aura, Roar and Avatar. Extremely good vs Exiled Seer, good vs mages.
Orc Knight: ranged agi based, he has Chain Jolt, Thunder Clap, Thunder Strike and Avatar. Extremely good vs Exiled Seer, good vs mages.
Black Wizard: ranged int based, he has Mirror Image, Chain Jolt, Starfall and Anti-Magic Shell. Best support hero in Scourge Force, good vs creeps.
Shaman Crowcaller: melee agi based, he has Silence, Harden, Crow Swarp and Unholy Grasp. Weak hero.
Crypst Fiend: ranged str based, he has Finger of Death, Trueshot Aura, Azuring Cripple and Metamorphosis. High damage.
Voidwalker: ranged int based, he has Wind Walk, Putrid Swarm, Rain of Fire and Metamorphosis. Good vs waves of creeps. Good hero killer.
Demonic Lord: melee str based, he has Warstomp, Putrid Swarm, Vampiric Aura and Earthquake. Good vs waves of creeps.
Vengeance Knight: melee str based, he has Storm Bolt, Death Coil, Azuring Cripple, Critical Strike and Animate Dead.
Corrupt Priest: melee int based, he has Firebolt, Cyclone, Azuring Cripple and Death and Decay. Good in the beginning, extremely weak later game.
Sleeper Revenant: ranged int based, he has Frost Nova, Sleep, Death and Decay and Unholy Aura.
Spider Queen: ranged int based, she has Trueshot Aura, Firebolt, Putrid Swarm, Curse and Dark Portal. High damage, good in duels, good to trap heroes.
Undead Baron: ranged int based, he has Firebolt, Unholy Aura, Finger of Death and Slow Posion. Good to slow heroes.
Dreadlord: melee str based, he has Sleep, Putrid Swarm, Bash and Starfall. Good vs early waves of creeps.
Dark Sage: ranged int based, he has Firebolt, Frost Nova, Unholy aura, Animate Dead and Raise Dead. Raise Dead is int hero based.
Gloomy Willow: melee agi based, he has Entangle Roots, Critical Strike, Poison Aura and Truesight. Fantastic hero killer, good vs Windwalkers.
Tribal Chieftain: melee str based, he has Bash, Thunder Clap, Reincarnation and Bloodlust.
Gnoll Marksman: ranged agi based, he has Curse, Trueshot Aura, Critical Strike and Reincarnation. High damage.
Dark Assasin: melee [ranged with Metamorphosis] agi based, she has Slow Bane, Evasion, Metamorphosis and Thunder Clap. Good vs waves of creeps.
Dark Seer: ranged int based, he has Firebolt, Putrid Swarm, Unholy Aura and Abolish Hex. One of the most good heroes of this game. Weak vs heroes with Avatar. He has max speed with lvl 3 Unholy Aura.
Bandit Lord: melee str based, he has Bash, Vampiric Aura, Ensnare and Thunder Clap. Good to stop all heroes.
Skeleton Heir: melee str based, he has Putrid Swarm, Storm Bolt, Unholy Aura and Avatar. Extremely good vs Exiled Seer, good vs mages.
Dark Ranger: ranged agi based, she has Trueshot Aura, Curse, Evasion and Posion Arrows. High damage, high evasion. Poison Arrows don't need mana [description is wrong].
Kobold Illusionist: melee int based, he has Mirror Image, Windwalk, Evasion and Critical Strike. Good to slow waves of creeps.
Spirit Beast: melee [ranged with Infernal Metamorphosis] int based, he has Cyclone, Summon Water Elemental and Thorns Aura. Extremely good vs Exiled Seer, good vs mages, good vs melee, extremely good in first duel. Infernal Metamorphosis counts as Avatar [spell immunity].

SirZeelDate: Sunday, 17/Apr/2011, 2.23.03 PM | Message # 2
Ex Gamer's Edge Shaman & GE Founder (Forum)
Group: Gamer's Edge Bot Admins
Messages: 18
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Chapter 2: depot, wave shop, tome shop and Shrine

You start here

1) Depot
2) Wave Shop
3) Tome Shop
4) Shrine


a) Archers. Cost: 175 Gold. Send a wave of archers. Target: all.
b) Assasins. Cost: 400 Gold. Send a wave of assasins. Target: only heroes.
c) Invisible Assasins. Cost: 550 Gold. Send a wave of invisible assasins. Target: only heroes.
d) God. Cost: 1000 Gold. Send a God [lasts 2 mins, max 3 summons] to defend yourself. Who summoned God can control him. God has about 6k damage and he's untouchable. God can't pass this line, or he will disappear.

e) Upgrade units. Cost: 1200. You can upgrade nine times.
f), g) and h): auras for your base. Pretty usless. Trust.

Wave Shop

Level 1/1.5 Wave Shop

a) Wendigos Wave. Cost: 600. Melee Wendigos fights for you. Target: all.
b) Ability Wave. Cost: 350. Ranged elementals support your troops with Bloodlust and cast Curse and Faerie Fire on enemies. Target: all.

Level 2 Wave Shop

1) Demolisher Wave. Cost: 600. Melee troops smash buildings. Target: only buildings.

Level 3 Wave Shop

1) Furbolg Wave. Cost: 750. Like Wendigo Wave, but more powerful.

Level 4 Wave Shop

1) Hydra Wave. Cost: 950. Like Furbolg Wave, but more powerful.

Tome Shop

1) Tome of Agility +1 [24 Gold]
2) Tome of Agility +5 [120 Gold]
3) Tome of Strenght +1 [20 Gold]
4) Tome of Strenght +5 [100 Gold]
5) Tome of Intelligence +1 [16 Gold]
6) Tome of Intelligence +5 [80 Gold]
7) Tome of Strenght and Agility+5 [220 Gold]
8) Tome of Strenght and Intelligence [180 Gold]
9) Tome of Agility and Intelligence [200 Gold]
10) Tome of Power* [100 Gold]
11) Tome of Greater Experience** [100 Gold]

* Gives +2 to all stats. If you add 2 tomes of agi + 2 tomes of str + 2 tomes of int you will pay 168 Gold. This tome costs 100.
** Gives 500 exp.


Level 1/1.5 Shrine.

1) Handyman. Cost: 185 Gold. Good to repair. Nothing else.
2) Golem. Cost: 125 Gold. Weak alone, strong in group.
3) Mortar Team. Cost: 250 Gold. Can target only building. Good to destroy them. High range.
4) Peasant. Cost: 100 Gold. Can build bank and towers and repair.
5) Priest. Cost: 150 Gold. Can cast heal and inner fire, most used to cast Abolish Hex.
6) Witch Doctor. Cost: 400 Gold. Can set Healing Wards, Sentry Wards and cast Mana Regain.
7) Druid. Cost: 200 Gold. Can cast Tranquility, Druid Harden and Roar.

Level 2 Shrine.

1) Master Peasant. Cost: 200 Gold. Can build bank and advanced towers.

Level 3/4 Shrine.

1) Superior Warrior. Cost: 200. Like golem, but more powerful.
2) Bomb Squad. Cost. 350. Like Mortar Team, but more powerful.
3) Superior Archer. Cost: 300. Small and powerful archer. Better in team, suck alone.

Message edited by SirZeel - Tuesday, 19/Apr/2011, 4.47.33 AM
SirZeelDate: Sunday, 17/Apr/2011, 2.23.32 PM | Message # 3
Ex Gamer's Edge Shaman & GE Founder (Forum)
Group: Gamer's Edge Bot Admins
Messages: 18
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Chapter 3: shops
IMPORTANT: stats items are cheaper in comparison with tomes.

There are 8 shops in the middle of the field.

1) Wizard. Sells stats items and potions.
2) Blacksmith. Sells armors, weapons and wards.
3) Gypsy. Sells passive skills.
4) Western Spell Shop. Sells spells.
5) Eastern Spell Shop. Sells spells.


1) Slippers of Agility. Cost: 60 Gold. Gives +10 agi [50% cheaper].
2) Elvish Haste. Cost: 2160 Gold. Gives +100 agi [10% cheaper].
3) Maul of Strength. Cost: 100 Gold. Gives +10 str [50% cheaper].
4) Fire Axe. Cost: 1800 Gold. Gives +100 str [10% cheaper].
5) Mantle of Intelligence. Cost: 80 Gold. Gives +10 int [50% cheaper].
6) Wizard Staff. Cost: 1440 Gold. Gives +100 int [10% cheaper].
7) Talent Ring. Cost: 100 Gold. Gives +4 all stats [50% cheaper].
8) Arpad's Crown. Cost: 1800 Gold. Gives +40 all stats [10% cheaper].
9) Potion of Healing. Cost: 100 Gold. Restores 500 HP. Stacks 5 in a slot.
10) Potion of Mana. Cost: 50 Gold. Restores 300 Mana. Stacks 5 in a slot.


1) Sword of Alzabar. Cost: 300 Gold. +30 dmg.
2) Claws of Vengence [yeah, it's wrote "Vengence" in the description. :o]. Cost: 600 Gold. +6 dmg.
3) Pendant of True Sight. Cost: 350 Gold. Gives Truesight.
4) Iron Chaimmail [yeah, it's wrote "chaimmail" in the description ???]. Cost: 225 Gold. +10 armor.
5) Mithril Chestplate. Cost: 535 Gold. +20 armor.
6) Boots of Speed. Cost: 200 Gold. +60 speed.
7) Amulet of Ravens Eye. Cost: 700 Gold. +60 speed and gives Truesight.
8) Ring of Regeneration. Cost: 225 Gold. +450 HP and +2 HP regen per sec.
8) Pixie's Gem of Health. Cost: 500 Gold. +900 HP and +2 HP regen per sec.
9) Healing Wards. Cost: 150 Gold. 3 charges of a healing ward. Each ward lasts 30 secs. Wards don't stack. If you set 3 wards you are healed just by one of them.
10) Sentry Wards. Cost: 175 Gold. 3 charges of an invisible ward with Truesight. Each ward lasts 300 secs.


1) Ankh of Reincarnation. Cost: 200 Gold. Allow you to resurrect once with 1000 HP and with the mana you had when died. Doesn't stack in the inventory.
2) Legion Doom-Hoom. Cost: 300 Gold. Gives low level of Unholy Aura. Doesn't stack with Unholy Aura.
3) Sobi Mask. Cost: 200. Gives +100% mana regen.
4) Talisman of Evolution. Cost: 650 Gold. +15% Evasion and +10% Thorns Aura. Doesn't stack with Evasion and Thorns Aura.
5) Talisman of Evasion. Cost: 400 Gold. +15% Evasion. Doesn't stack with Evasion.
6) Cloak of Flames. Cost: 100 Gold. Gives Immolation with 10 dmg. Doesn't stack with Immolation.
7) Mask of Death. Cost: 550 Gold. Gives 30% Vampiric Aura. Only for melee. Doesn't stack with Vampiric Aura. IMPORTANT: Mask of Death works only with BASE damage, Vampiric Aura works also with ADDED damage.
8) Thorns Branch. Cost: 200 Gold. +10% Thorns Aura. Doesn't stack with Thorns Aura.
9) Orb of Frost. Cost: 1200 Gold. Gives frost attack and +6 dmg. Doesn't stack with Cold Arrows [Elite Archer, Exiled Seer, both Light Force] and with Slow Poison [Undead Baron, Scourge Force].
10) Orb of Fire. Cost: 900 Gold. Gives splash attack and +30 dmg.

Western Spell Shop

1) Anti-Magic Shell. Cost: 500 Gold. 3 charges of spell immunity for 90 secs. Can be abolished with Abolish Hex [Exiled Seer, Dark Seer]. It's one of the most powerful item in the game.
2) Cyclone. Cost: 275 Gold. 5 charges of Cyclone. This Cyclone is stronger than the Cyclone of heroes.
3) Rain of Fire. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Rain of Fire. This Rain of Fire is stronger than the Rain of Fire of heroes.
4) Ensnare. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Ensnare. This Ensnare is weaker than the Ensnare of heroes [actually just Bandit Lord has Ensnsare].
5) Hurl Bourder. Cost: 250 Gold. Cast Hurl Boulder. None of the heroes has this spell.
6) Invisibility. Cost: 400 Gold. 5 charges of Invisibility.
7) Polymorph. Cost: 125 Gold. 5 charges of Polymorph. Can't be casted on heroes. Totally usless.
8) Rejuvination. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Rejuvination. Same power of Rejuvination of heroes [actually just Wizard has Rejuvination].
9) Sleep. Cost: 275 Gold. 5 charges of Sleep. This Sleep is very weakest than the Sleep of Heroes.
10) Potion of Speed. Cost: 150 Gold. +60% movement speed for 45 secs.
11) Scroll of Protection. Cost: 200 Gold. +10 armor for 30 secs.
6) Boots of Speed. Cost: 200 Gold. +60 speed.
7) Amulet of Ravens Eye. Cost: 700 Gold. +60 speed and gives Truesight.
8) Ring of Regeneration. Cost: 225 Gold. +450 HP and +2 HP regen per sec.
8) Pixie's Gem of Health. Cost: 500 Gold. +900 HP and +2 HP regen per sec.
9) Healing Wards. Cost: 150 Gold. 3 charges of a healing ward. Each ward lasts 30 secs. Wards don't stack. If you set 3 wards you are healed just by one of them.
10) Sentry Wards. Cost: 175 Gold. 3 charges of an invisible ward with Truesight. Each ward lasts 300 secs.


1) Ankh of Reincarnation. Cost: 200 Gold. Allow you to resurrect once with 1000 HP and with the mana you had when died. Doesn't stack in the inventory.
2) Legion Doom-Hoom. Cost: 300 Gold. Gives low level of Unholy Aura. Doesn't stack with Unholy Aura.
3) Sobi Mask. Cost: 200. Gives +100% mana regen.
4) Talisman of Evolution. Cost: 650 Gold. +15% Evasion and +10% Thorns Aura. Doesn't stack with Evasion and Thorns Aura.
5) Talisman of Evasion. Cost: 400 Gold. +15% Evasion. Doesn't stack with Evasion.
6) Cloak of Flames. Cost: 100 Gold. Gives Immolation with 10 dmg. Doesn't stack with Immolation.
7) Mask of Death. Cost: 550 Gold. Gives 30% Vampiric Aura. Only for melee. Doesn't stack with Vampiric Aura. IMPORTANT: Mask of Death works only with BASE damage, Vampiric Aura works also with ADDED damage.
8) Thorns Branch. Cost: 200 Gold. +10% Thorns Aura. Doesn't stack with Thorns Aura.
9) Orb of Frost. Cost: 1200 Gold. Gives frost attack and +6 dmg. Doesn't stack with Cold Arrows [Elite Archer, Exiled Seer, both Light Force] and with Slow Poison [Undead Baron, Scourge Force].
10) Orb of Fire. Cost: 900 Gold. Gives splash attack and +30 dmg.

Western Spell Shop

1) Anti-Magic Shell. Cost: 500 Gold. 3 charges of spell immunity for 90 secs. Can be abolished with Abolish Hex [Exiled Seer, Dark Seer]. It's one of the most powerful item in the game.
2) Cyclone. Cost: 275 Gold. 5 charges of Cyclone. This Cyclone is stronger than the Cyclone of heroes.
3) Rain of Fire. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Rain of Fire. This Rain of Fire is stronger than the Rain of Fire of heroes.
4) Ensnare. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Ensnare. This Ensnare is weaker than the Ensnare of heroes [actually just Bandit Lord has Ensnsare].
5) Hurl Bourder. Cost: 250 Gold. Cast Hurl Boulder. None of the heroes has this spell.
6) Invisibility. Cost: 400 Gold. 5 charges of Invisibility.
7) Polymorph. Cost: 125 Gold. 5 charges of Polymorph. Can't be casted on heroes. Totally usless.
8) Rejuvination. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Rejuvination. Same power of Rejuvination of heroes [actually just Wizard has Rejuvination].
9) Sleep. Cost: 275 Gold. 5 charges of Sleep. This Sleep is very weakest than the Sleep of Heroes.
10) Potion of Speed. Cost: 150 Gold. +60% movement speed for 45 secs.
11) Scroll of Protection. Cost: 200 Gold. +10 armor for 30 secs.

Eastern Spell Shop

1) Anti-Magic Shell. Cost: 500 Gold. 3 charges of spell immunity for 90 secs. Can be abolished with Abolish Hex [Exiled Seer, Dark Seer]. It's one of the most powerful item in the game.
2) Cyclone. Cost: 275 Gold. 5 charges of Cyclone. This Cyclone is stronger than the Cyclone of heroes.
3) Rain of Fire. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Rain of Fire. This Rain of Fire is stronger than the Rain of Fire of heroes.
4) Holy Light. Cost: 250 Gold. 5 charges of Holy Light. This Holy Light is weaker than the Holy Light of heroes.
5) Death Coil. Cost: 250 Gold. 5 charges of Death Coil. This Death Coil is weaker than the Death Coil of heroes.
6) Firebolt. Cost: 275 Gold. 3 charges of Firebolt.
7) Shockwave. Cost: 200 Gold. 5 charges of Shockwave. This Shockwave is weaker than the Shockwave of heroes.
8) Slam. Cost: 200 Gold. 4 charges of Slam. None of the heroes have this spell.
9) Warstomp. Cost: 325 Gold. 4 charges of Warstomp. This Warstomp is weaker than the Warstomp of heroes.
10) Frost Armor. Cost: 150 Gold. 5 charges of Frost Armor. This Frost Armor is weaker than the Frost Armor of heroes [actually just Wizard has Frost Armor].
11) Mana Burn. Cost: 250 Gold. 5 charges of Mana Burn. This Mana Burn is weaker than the Mana Burn of heroes.

blAckCatDate: Saturday, 23/Apr/2011, 5.15.31 AM | Message # 4
Group: Gamer's Edge Peons
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Nice Description lol .... good work zeel ^-^

zzZZZZZ---- Ookami-----ZZZZzzzz
SirZeelDate: Saturday, 23/Apr/2011, 10.40.18 AM | Message # 5
Ex Gamer's Edge Shaman & GE Founder (Forum)
Group: Gamer's Edge Bot Admins
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Quote (blAckCat)
Nice Description lol .... good work zeel ^-^

Thanks. smile As you know I am feeling a bit bad in this period, so I didn't finish it, but I will asap.

WeissDate: Saturday, 23/Apr/2011, 9.15.56 PM | Message # 6
Group: Removed

Rep up for ya =]
Mech_WarriorDate: Tuesday, 19/Jul/2011, 9.28.10 PM | Message # 7
Group: Gamer's Edge Peons
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Hey SirZeel, how's it going? First of all, to anyone else reading this, I'm very sorry for thread necro, but I wanted to comment on this guide, and ask for an update on it (since it seems you never finished it :P).

Anyway, I read your tutorial, and I thought that, overall, it was pretty good! However, I also found a few problems.
First of all, under Blacksmith:

2) Claws of Vengence [yeah, it's wrote "Vengence" in the description. :o]. Cost: 600 Gold. +6 dmg.

2) Pretty sure you mean "+ 60 dmg." And the cost is 675 gold.

Secondly, you double posted the "Gypsy" and the "Western Spell Shop," I'm pretty sure.

Also, was this not written for Ice 2.20? I know it's a fairly old guide, but if it was written for Ice 2.20, then a lot of the item prices are incorrect. I'm not entirely sure which version it was written for, so my apologies.

Again, sorry for thread necro, but wanted to ask for an update, and I figured it wasn't too huge of a deal if I posted on it. I have some other suggestions, so if you are going to update it, PM me :).
TheJollyRogerDate: Tuesday, 19/Jul/2011, 10.22.15 PM | Message # 8
Ex Gamer's Edge Shaman
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Can't necro a thread when there's only 4-5 threads in this catagory. But next time a PM might suffice.

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